Blade Runners Receives Customer Gratitude from Stonehurst HOA Residents
Thank you for sending the snow removal updates from Blade Runners. I want you to know, as my wife and I sat comfortably in our warm home last night and watched the snow fall, we were amazed by the Blade Runners’ crew, diligently plowing the streets, snowblowing the sidewalks and most notably hand shoveling the walks, individual walkways and porches late into the night. I was surprised by their most recent update, essentially apologizing for their ‘lack’ of response today. I hope I can speak for the majority of the neighborhood when I say we aren’t disappointed but rather satisfied by their continued efforts battling this historic blizzard. Even with their perceived shortcomings, our neighborhood is likely in better condition currently than most of the DC area will be in the next couple days thanks to their backbreaking work… we know it’s mostly a thankless job, but we want you to know we notice their efforts and are thankful for the tough job they do. Please extend our gratitude to Blade Runners and their crew.”
Patrick and Colleen McCarthy
Stonehurst HOA residents