Tag Archive for: Communication with Customers

Let’s review the Management Chain of Command

ACCOUNT MANAGERhandles direct contact with you, the client
PRODUCTION MANAGERhandles management over-site for quality
CREW CHIEFis in charge of the crew on site; works with the crew
CREW MEMBERperforms physical work


Account Managers and Production Managers drive one of these three vehicle types–feel free to talk  to them anytime.  Account manager CarManagers vehicle


Production manager truck

Crew Chiefs and Crew Members wear blue shirts with the Blade Runners logo.  They are the ones working on the site.  IT IS BEST NOT TO TALK TO THEM.  THEY ARE COMPLETING WORK FOR YOU AND NEED TO GET THEIR TASKS COMPLETED.

Shannon Picture 3 employees -2


1)  Send your questions/concerns to the contact page on the website, which is directed to the president’s desk.

2)  Talk to the manager in the car, van or little truck–as pictured above.

3)  Contact your property manager or main point of contact for the service. (there is always one)


1)   They do not know the full scope of all the work on the service contract.

2)   They are busy doing a physical job and need to focus.

3)   It often results in frustration and miscommunication.

4)   You may resolve your concern one time for that visit, but not for the future when someone else comes the next visit.

5)   They are under pressure for a good deal of quality deliverables that do not involve client contact.

6)   Your concern might have nothing to do with what they are tasked for that day.  For instance, you might want to know about shrub trimming and they are  there to mow.

The contact page is really the best, it goes to the president’s desk.


Picture 4

Blade Runners is proudly offering a FREE new service to our customers:  the Client Portal.  This “window” will provide our customers with beneficial services and account information. These services will include:

1.  Electronic Check Processing for Payments

2.  Reviewing Paid and Unpaid Invoices

3.  Viewing Upcoming Service Tasks at your property

4.  Seeing Completed Service Tasks at your property

Here’s a preview of the Client Portal:

Check Payment Processing.2

Invoice View Sample.2

Planned Services.2

Review Completed Services.2

How do I get Started?  Simply contact your account manager.  We will send you an invitation and the login information, and you will be ready to go.

I just received my second “task posting” marked complete for the yard work done yesterday.  This is GREAT!   No more guessing as to what was done and when.  Many thanks for the notification and keep the postings coming!!!

Angela Layman, President

   Mt. Woodley Manor HOA

I do appreciate your efforts this past year and indulging the board members by hearing their concerns and addressing them. This goes a long way in keeping them happy customers. That is one area that I think B.R. excels at – you and your staff are always willing to give your time and attention to the customer and quickly respond to their concerns. It is a pleasure doing business with you.

Carol Stirner, Manager
Brittany Parc HOA

Hello Eric,

I am the president of the home owners association at Cedar Grove in Fairfax and I wanted to pass on to you the fact that we have been very pleased with the work ethic that we have seen so far. This is true in particular with Mike Dollard. There have been a few times when there have been glitches in one thing or another, I do understand that sometimes things can go wrong but what is important is the manner in which they are resolved. There has not been a time so far that Mike has not moved very quickly to resolve any problems we have had. This hasn’t been our experience in the past and it speaks volumes about we can rely on the service we now have. Mike has always responded to any of our inquiries in a timely and efficient way. We are grateful to have him as our point of contact with Blade-Runners. As things stand at the moment we look forward to having your services in our future.
Gail Conley
Cedar Grove, Fairfax, VA
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