Tag Archive for: Customer Service

Thank you for sending the snow removal updates from Blade Runners. I want you to know, as my wife and I sat comfortably in our warm home last night and watched the snow fall, we were amazed by the Blade Runners’ crew, diligently plowing the streets, snowblowing the sidewalks and most notably hand shoveling the walks, individual walkways and porches late into the night. I was surprised by their most recent update, essentially apologizing for their ‘lack’ of response today. I hope I can speak for the majority of the neighborhood when I say we aren’t disappointed but rather satisfied by their continued efforts battling this historic blizzard. Even with their perceived shortcomings, our neighborhood is likely in better condition currently than most of the DC area will be in the next couple days thanks to their backbreaking work… we know it’s mostly a thankless job, but we want you to know we notice their efforts and are thankful for the tough job they do. Please extend our gratitude to Blade Runners and their crew.”
Patrick and Colleen McCarthy 
Stonehurst HOA residents 

Westcove Cluster uses Blade Runners; they have always been on top of our plowing and did a phenomenal job during the recent snow event.

John Schaller
Westcove Cluster President

Ashley Court Cluster in North Reston would like to add our voices to those applauding the job you have done thus far under extremely difficult conditions.  I have received many emails and verbal comments from cluster residents asking me to forward on to you our sincere thanks.  Please let our plow driver know that his tireless efforts and good humor have been recognized by the neighborhood at large and are much appreciated.  We, like all of you, look forward to this all being behind us.

   With sincere thanks,
   Ashley Court Cluster Board of Directors

“I think you all did a great job at Briarwood Condos. Great job in the parking lot and an unbelievably great job at 4:30 am getting our side walks done. Thank you so much!”

   Susan Claflin,VP
   Briarwood Court Condos HOA

Blade Runners handles both snow removal and landscaping for us.  We have a good relationship, and they are responsive to our needs.  Our on-going relationship with Blade Runners has been an asset to Hunters Square.

Dave Crocker
VP, Hunters Square HOA

Blade Runners is proudly offering a FREE new service to our customers:  the Client Portal.  This “window” will provide our customers with beneficial services and account information. These services will include:

1.  Electronic Check Processing for Payments

2.  Reviewing Paid and Unpaid Invoices

3.  Viewing Upcoming Service Tasks at your property

4.  Seeing Completed Service Tasks at your property

Here’s a preview of the Client Portal:

Check Payment Processing.2

Invoice View Sample.2

Planned Services.2

Review Completed Services.2

How do I get Started?  Simply contact your account manager.  We will send you an invitation and the login information, and you will be ready to go.

Dear Blade Runners,

Your team of workers are exceptional and they do a great job for Blessed Sacrament Church. Thanks very much.

Denise Dauray, President

BEYOND impressed with the quick response. I need more vendors like you.
I can’t thank you enough for your truly amazing customer service.

Thank you and kind regards.

Claudia Bender
Community Manager
Sentry Management
Hawthorne Village Condominiums

Eric and Raul –
Just wanted to send you a quick note regarding Park Glen Heights HOA. I know this is still a very new contract but I had a meeting with the Board President this morning and she just couldn’t say enough nice things about Blade Runners and the awesome work the crew has been doing in the association. The entire board and members of the community are incredibly satisfied with the work that has occurred this year and they feel that they definitely made the right decision on choosing you as the landscaping contract.
I wanted to pass this along, as I know in this business, too often the only time emails are sent are when there are issues or problems or concerns. As a manager, I try to make sure I pass along “good emails” to vendors as well.
I hope the both of you have a great rest of the day!
Katie M. Kight, CMCA, AMS
Community Association Manager, Park Glen Heights HOA

Morning, Karen.
Wanted to let you know the Mt. Woodley community is looking GREAT thanks to your crew! Nice job on cutting back the nandena and lirropa.  Fresh mulch got put down on Friday and the huge bushes at the front entryway are cut way back and appear to be growing back nicely.  Just need to keep them at this reasonable size/height.
Many thanks for the work estimates. Regards…Angela
Angela Layman, President
Mt Woodley Manor HOA
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