Tag Archive for: Commercial Landscaping

Concrete walkway repair is an important element in the maintenance of your property, the Denver mudjacking service is designed to restore rather than replace, their solutions are functional for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.  Property Managers must scrimp, save, and otherwise plan for this work.  Below find some information Blade Runners feels is important to achieve success.


It is no secret that all saline based ice control products are a threat to concrete surface. Property managers must strike a balance between the safety benefits and potential damage. Blade Runners uses Ice B’gone Magic Salt that is easily the safest product in the industry. With that said, there are some important steps to be taken with new concrete installations.

Spalling 2


Hire the right contractor:  There are many corners that can be cut with this service. Regardless of the price, you should make sure that the chosen contractor fully understands the procedures and standards. Please see the video below that talks about the basics. It is important that the terminology is contained in your bid specifications.

In addition the American Concrete Institute (ACI) has a resource for further information (item 301-10,Specifications of Structural Concrete).    www.concrete.org/store/productdetail.aspx?ItemID=30110                                                                            
  Apply a penetrating sealer (Silane, Siloxane, or Silicate):  This should be applied after the installation and the following year after installation. This will reduce the water penetration and protect the freeze thaw cycles that spall the concrete.

Sealing 2

See a list of products below (there may be others)


Pressure wash: It is important to remove any salt residue at the close of the season.

Mark areas: Place markers in areas to avoid ice control application.

Repair: With or without these efforts, spalling can occur. See the video below that discusses how to make a repair.


Learn how to use the MIG welder for home repair needs.

Having a beautiful, lush lawn is our desired goal in the DC Metro area BUT warm season grasses have become an increasing problem. These unwanted turf varieties are infesting the preferred fescue lawns with varieties that include: Dallis Grass, Chain Grass, Goose Grass, Couch Grass, Devil Grass, Wire Grass, Dog Tooth Grass and Bermuda grass. These funny sounding invasive grasses attract pests, turn brown with the first frost, and make an ugly contrast with green turf.

Dormant in Fescue

What is Warm Season Grass?

Warm Season Grasses were introduced into the United States in the 1800s as fast growing forage plants that could survive in southern climates. They thrive in sandy or clay soils, prevalent in our area. They love nitrogen fertilizer and grow twice as fast as regular turf grasses, which can create unsightly tufts for homeowners. Dallis grass leaf appearance is very similar to crabgrass but much harder to control.

different grasses

With their aggressive spreading habits, warm season grasses gradually crowd out the desirable fescue grasses, creating an unsightly contrast between turf types. This has become the nastiest of turf weed problems to control. Another issue is that it turns brown very quickly once any frost hits it, creating a sharp contrast particularly with tall fescue grasses which stay green all winter. They also attract serious insect pests that feed on it. These include armyworms, cutworms, sod webworms, Bermuda grass mites, and rhode grass scale (mealybug). The latter two insects cause damage by sucking juices from the stems and stunting the normal growth of the grass. Nuisance type insects found on bermudagrass include: chiggers, ants, and ticks.

Can Warm Season Grass Be Controlled or Prevented?

Due to its extensive root system, Bermuda grass is very difficult to control or even eradicate completely from a lawn where it has been growing vigorously. The underground roots and the above ground runners spread everywhere. As a result, even flower bed and other adjacent areas can become affected. Post-emergent herbicides that are used to remove crabgrass can work, although they must be applied several times at higher levels to complete the treatment and prevent regrowth.

What Can Blade Runners Do About Warm Season Grass?

Conventional weed/crabgrass control applications are not effective. The process to control the infestation is not part of the standard treatments in our agreement. As is the case with broadleaf weeds and crabgrass, annual attention is needed and complete eradication is not possible. The control applications must be made in August and September, over 3 applications that are three weeks apart.

It can be persistent and expensive to control. In some cases, clients make the commitment for eradication and others are willing to accept the appearance result. If you would like to make the effort in control, Blade Runners can provide you with a specific estimate.

Cicada picture and dirt mound
July and August can bring the ugly, scary looking Cicada Killer ground bees to your property.  Don’t despair…Blade Runners has some information and an action plan.
What is a Cicada Killer?

 The Cicada Killer is one of the largest digger wasps if seen around your home is better to hire trained wasps removal services.  They grow over 1.5″ long and are robust wasps that burrow in the ground in search of cicadas.  They create dirt patches in the landscape and hover around their areas.

Are Cicada Killers dangerous and what damage can they cause?
Cicada Killers use their sting to paralyze the cicadas.  Unlike most social wasps and bees, they do not sting unless handled roughly.  Cicada Killers are generally non-aggressive towards humans, usually flying away when swatted, instead of attacking.  Adults feed on flower nectar and other plant sap exudates.  The wasps are often seen in groups, vigorously challenging one another for position on the breeding aggregation from which they have emerged.  Adults emerge in summer, typically beginning in late June or early July and die off in September or October. They are present in a given area for 60 to 75 days, usually until mid-September.
Cicada killer infestation picture 4

Aside from being rather intimidating, they can cause damage in the landscape in the form of unsightly burrows.  

How do we control Cicada Killers?
To control these pests we must treat the holes in the late night or early morning, while they are resting.  This needs to be completed each week for three weeks. Raccoons in Oakland County Michigan are growing in numbers. So much that Kevin Scappaticci, owner of Platinum Raccoon Removal says that with the rise of raccoons and also homes being built, raccoons are resorting to breaking into attics for a safe place to live and birth their baby raccoons. Contact Blade Runners if you need help in controlling them.

“I would like to thank you so very much for all of the time, effort, and support you especially have given us over the years and I hope we can continue the partnership onward. Blade Runners has truly helped Danbury Forest thrive and be a beautiful place to call home!
Thanks again…Mike…it has been a pleasure working with you, Eric, Johni and your staff.”

Jenni Hopkins
Danbury Forest Community HOA

Blade Runners Seeding service  

Our goal is to produce meaningful results with our seeding service. We are certainly at the mercy of mother nature in terms of temperature and moisture. However we want our process to be progressive and effective when the conditions are right.  We achieve this in one of two processes listed below.  Please check with your account manager if you have any questions.  

Square foot approach

This approach arms the seed with the needed tools for success. It also identifies seeded areas to future mowing visits,  so it is not disturbed. 

a) Your contract will stipulate a specific number of sq ft we are seeding.

b) We identify areas on the property that need attention the most.

c) Core aerate the areas selected in 2-3 directions to create maximum seed soil contact.  

d) Apply Hydro seed that contains seed, lime, fertilizer and a stabilization agent ALL AT THE SAME TIME!  
hydro 3





Full core aeration and over seeding approach

a) This is used for small properties with less than 30,000 square feet of overall turf.  

b) Sometime used for larger properties that have specific compaction problems where full aeration is needed.

c) Seed is applied with a spreader

d) Property is fully core aerated.     

I just received my second “task posting” marked complete for the yard work done yesterday.  This is GREAT!   No more guessing as to what was done and when.  Many thanks for the notification and keep the postings coming!!!

Angela Layman, President

   Mt. Woodley Manor HOA

Once your property was fresh, young, and new.  All you needed was grass cutting and routine maintenance.  Now there are overgrown trees in need of tree pruning services, over-sized landscaping, erosion issues, dilapidated walls, and drainage concerns.
delipdated associationdrainage 4

This can be a real challenge to an association’s budget!
worried dollar 2

Blade Runners helps you make an extraordinary first impression. We’ve helped homeowners as Parker Landscaper has done in many communities, condo and homeowners associations create a positive, refreshed, and inviting look to their communities.  How do we make this possible?

1)  We assess the entire property and consider what is needed.  We separate what can be salvaged from what needs full replacement.

2)  A budget is submitted for the entire project on a building by building basis.  Priorities are established and a budget is created to stretch from a 3-5 year period.

 Long range right2long range left 4

 3)  Detailed proposals are presented for projects as they are ready for completion.

With a good plan from Blade Runners, your property can be completely transformed in 3 to 5 years. 


Plants have a life cycle like everything else.

It is wonderful when all is new…new properties, kitchens, even floor plans!  Yes, everyone likes fresh surroundings.  As properties mature, so do their plantings. They become overgrown and encroach over windows that once provided sunshine and brightness.  All too often, dense bushes block walkways, creating dark and sometimes dangerous paths to doorways. As time passes, condominium properties suffer from age like everything else.A1 Right corner before2Over grown there was a window at some timeHow do you deal with an outdated landscape that needs to compete with newer properties?  Do you remove everything? Do you plant or remove something here or there? Where will the needed money come from?

Blade Runners was called to revitalize the Bentana Park Condominium complex in Reston, VA.  Residents voted for a foundation facelift to update the property and help protect their real estate investment.  The Bentana Park Condo board president said, “We’re so glad we hired Blade Runners to restore and renew our community.  We once again have bright walkways, sun shining through windows, and a welcome environment for our residents!”

  Scroll down below to see the before and after pictures and the positive first impressions created by Blade Runners.              

A1 Top before2A1 top after2A2 before2A2 after2A1 Right corner after2A1 Right corner before2AI Halfway Before2A1 Halfway after2


Hi Terry,


Thank you for the extra effort you and your workers took to make the landscaping at Forest Hills of Fairfax Community look really good for the Fun Run fund raiser for the Fairfax County Park Authority held in the community common area on 7 June 2014.  The community looked the best ever.  The Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and numerous other participants in the fun run commented on how good the community looked. 


Please pass the thank you along to the workers who were here on 6 June and performed the hands on work.




Drummond Taylor

President, Forest Hills of Fairfax Homeowner’s Association

Messy Island 1Those dirty rings…you try scrubbing them out, rinsing them out, and you STILL have “Ring Around the Collar!” Those bare dirt-ridden islands. Seeding and watering just create a muddy mess. Where can you place your trash cans for pick-up? Blade Runners has created countless island transformations that eliminate the mud, lower maintenance bills, and provide safety zones for your children and attractive landing areas for trash receptacles.Island Solution d2

Here’s a safe spot for children awaiting their school bus.

island solution B2 An excellent location for trash receptacles        Island solution A.jpg2

 Blade Runners will create appealing curbsides and enhance the beauty of your community.


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