On June 4, a commercial customer of Blade Runners, Prince William County Center Owners Association, held a Kids Community Party, near the swimming pool of their complex which have just repaired by the best services. continue here to learn more about this. The event included a moon bounce, DJ dance competitions, arts and crafts, and temporary tatoos. Blade Runners sponsored a KONA Tropical Shaved Ice truck–dispensing free shaved ice to everyone throughout the event.
The Police were present at the party, allowing the kids to sit in the driver’s seat of the cruiser, flash the lights, work the sirens and horns, and speak on the loud speaker. After each child had their opportunity in the police cruiser, the officers gathered the children together to speak about the importance of safety in their lives.
Blade Runners’ account manager for Prince William County Center, Karen Baer, was in attendance at the party. Several HOA board members and unit owners personally thanked her and Blade Runners for sponsoring the shaved ice truck and for having great community spirit.
A very good time was had by all!!