This is the sort of thing that shows you a different from our previous company! Look at this before and after picture of the roadway after a routine mowing. Our old company would have just left this mess in the street.
This is the sort of thing that shows you a different from our previous company! Look at this before and after picture of the roadway after a routine mowing. Our old company would have just left this mess in the street.
Shelly, my back yard was mowed yesterday and they did a fantastic job, particularly since it was so tall! And the mower blade was sharp so it was a clean cut. Thank you for coordinating, and please pass along thanks to the “guys” for a job well done. Have a wonderful week-end, GPagin, Edgemoore, Darnley Place.
In all of my years of managing this building, as a sideline to my real job of supporting the CFO, I have never seen a more detailed and more perfect spring cleanup. The property looks better than it ever has. The diligence of the workers and their supervisor was astounding. I reluctantly made a small suggestion to them about tossing the rocks that had moved away from their beds adjoining the building, and they were instantly responsive. I did tell them I was not sure I should be telling them what to do (leftover from Links Pond policies), but they were most willing, and I told their supervisor as he checked up on their work. All over the property they explored places and piles of debris that had never been touched! So congratulations to all. I am so glad you are in our corner.
All the best,
June Swan,International Registries, Inc.
This note was on a handwritten card and we had to share it with you:
Eric and Blade Runners,
A heartfelt thanks on behalf of the First Ballston Commons Community for your conscientious and diligent snow removal efforts this winter. We appreciate that this has been a particularly trying season and despite it all we have recived excellent, proactive service and many unexpected personal gestures. Keep up the great work , best wishes for a happy , healthy 2010.
Darcey Bennett and the First Ballston Board.
Communication is an area where Blade Runners really stands out. Prior experiences with other landscaping companies as well as other community contractors were routinely disappointing when trying to contact someone to answer a question, review an invoice, submit a proposal, etc. Blade Runners has been responsive, accurate and available by both phone and e-mail. This is a far cry from our previous landscaping contract with which the site manager seemed to always lose the job specs and the owner would return a call the next week – from a golf course in Florida. Raul has done an excellent job as our site manager in notifying us when and how specific services or projects would be done. Communication also appears to be strong within the Blade Runners team, with our onsite crew regularly well-prepared before they drive onto the property on how they will approach and complete the job.
Good communication makes us feel that our good partnership with Blade Runners will continue to improve year after year. Thanks for staying in touch.
Michael Ellwood
Tallwoods HOA
Springfield, VA
This will be our first year with you all during leaf pick-up. Eric talked about your innovative strategies, but I have not seen them in action. (Though your efficient mowing and herbicide techniques likely mean that this effort will be just as efficient!)
Call or e-mail with any reminders or suggestions. The community looks good – we have had a number of residents and visitors tell us that – and that is in large part due to the efforts of Blade Runners.
Michael Ellwood
Tallwoods HOA