Tag Archive for: testimonials

You were able to find the new boxleaf euonymus very quickly! It seems to be doing well.

Thank you for your quick response. The salvia may just need a little more time to get established. Spring will let us know.

We are truly happy to look out at our yards and enjoy the beautiful landscapes! 

Thank you again!


**Did you know that Blade Runners offers work to your individual home when you live within a Community we maintain? 

We sure do!   Do you live in a Blade Runners Maintained Community?

 Start here and review the services we offer to our Residents  – https://blade-runners.com/services-store/ 

Hi Shannon,

MLCA hosted its annual meeting last Thursday evening, July 28.  As you might imagine, one of the agenda topics was the landscaping work the board has undertaken, as well as the change in landscape contractor.  The change in landscape contractor was first brought up in the context of the annual budget.  The Blade Runners contract is significantly more expensive than our previous contractor and to cover the additional cost we will have to raise our dues.

Such increases are never popular, but there is good news: everyone in attendance agreed the landscaping looks very nice, and so there were zero objections when we explained the need to raise dues.  Everyone agreed this is money well spent.  One fellow not often complimentary of the board wrote us “The landscape seems more brilliant and adds to our street scape. And thanks for that.”

Thank you for the fine job the crew is doing.  It’s very pleasant coming into our neighborhood and seeing well-kept lawns, trimmed sidewalks and flower beds without weeds.  It’s a dramatic improvement, and we’re all very happy with the change.

Rich T…
MLCA Board



Shannon, BTW – your guys are super nice. I was chatting with a few working on my building when I got home. Wanted to be sure you had that feedback, though I’m sure you know.

While doing work, another Board Member emailed:

Your crew did their usual great work, looks very neat and nice!  I can’t imagine working that hard in this heat and humidity.

Hi – A team came today to take care of all of my weeds in the front/back of my house. They did an AMAZING job. I wanted to thank them for all of their work. Best – Andrea 

**Did you know that Blade Runners offers work to your individual home when you live within a Community we maintain?  We sure do! 

Do you live in a Blade Runners Maintained Community?

   Start here and review the services we offer to our Residents  – https://blade-runners.com/services-store/ 

Thanks Shannon. …We had one other proposal that was comparable but chose to go with Blade Runners because of your team’s professionalism and the customer service we’ve received so far.



Just wanted to say Thanks !!! The Drains are clean and drainage areas look clear.  

I also wanted to say that the Crew that worked the Property yesterday are great !!! Please pass on my gratitude for always doing a good job. I asked for a certain area to be cut a little closer to the home and they knocked it out. Really appreciate it.

Have a Great 4th of July Weekend !!!




The homeowner at 11804 Rockaway (a board member) loves the new pavers and rocks next to the driveway. They look great! The crew did a very neat job and from what I can see it all looks even and level. Nice job! 

I wanted to share the good news!

Hello Shannon,
Your tree removal crew gets a 10+ rating for  the work they did here removing one dead tree and one VERY large Cypress.   Because the Cypress was so large and on a hill, this was far from a simple job.
Several of the homeowners closest to that tree have commented positively to me on the crew’s process and attention to detail. 
Orderly, methodical, careful — and pleasant.   One homeowner said they never left any debris mess at the end of the day.  For one example, branches scheduled to be picked up the next day were lined up very neatly along the property edge. 

Please thank your crew for all their hard work, especially on afternoons that were in the 90s.

We could not have asked for a better job done.   Thank you!

BMHA Landscaping Committee

Learn more about some of the equipment that the Blade Runners Tree Department uses that makes use better!


Good morning- 

The crew that took down the tree yesterday and has been here this morning to clear away the branches- can’t say enough how impressed I have been.

And grateful for how carefully they removed the globe and light bulb from the lampost and put them back and cleaned even as the storm was starting! 


The crew finished work today and did a very nice job.  All instructions were followed.  Please thank the crew for their good efforts.


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