Tag Archive for: Snow Plow

My name is Janine Leete and I am president of the Pavilions Cluster in north Reston, a community of 34 single family homes. Many thanks for the on-going progress updates. I have been able to share the information with the residents and that has gone a long way toward managing expectations. Several residents have e-mailed me and asked me to pass on their compliments to Blade Runners and the plow operators. We in the Pavilions have been quite impressed with the service. Somehow the driver(s) assigned to our little neighborhood managed to keep an open lane throughout almost the entire storm. We don’t know how they did it but we are grateful. Having heard from other cluster presidents who have contracts with other companies and have yet to even see a plow, I realize just how lucky we are.  Our thanks to the driver or drivers who worked our property on Friday and Saturday. Their diligence and hard work is appreciated.


   Janine Leete, President
   Pavilions Cluster HOA

We saw your most recent report and hope you know that we are very grateful for your great service.  Please do not think that we believe anything different.  We know your crews are operating in extraordinary conditions.  The most important thing is the safety of you and your crews.  Please have them get some rest. The storm will pass.  We will dig out.  If it takes a couple of days, so what?  Please assure your crews that we appreciate all they have done.  There is an emergency lane in our community if we needed it. That is all we need.  Everything else will dig out, when you can. Please take heart that we believe you have done great work in terrible conditions with a storm that we will all remember for many years to come.

W Morris
Board member of the Chancery Square Homeowners’ Board
Fairfax, VA

On behalf of the residents of The Mews, I would like to thank Blade Runners for all their hard work during the blizzard this past weekend.  Our parking lot was kept passable through Saturday and the plow driver that came through yesterday was incredibly thorough.  We really appreciate the efforts and ability of your team to handle such a heavy snow accumulation.  

   Thank you,
   Kristin Newett
   Little River Mews HOA

The biggest December storm in 25 years is upon us. In preparation for this, please find attached our snow bulletin.
This quick read talks about the manner in which we deliver our service. It addresses the most common questions and concerns of our clients.
Many of the concepts are shared by all snow removal contractors.
Please take a moment to review this and feel free to share with other tenants, residents, and contractors.


Snow news letter 400dpi

“This winter’s snow proved to be a great burden not only on homeowners but on the contractors servicing those homeowners. Blade Runners did an outstanding job of providing snow removal and sanding to the communities they served. They were responsive to some unrealistic homeowner requests and performed better than most other contractors I work with.”

Carl Wallen
Armstrong Management

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