Tag Archive for: Lawn Care

Once your property was fresh, young, and new.  All you needed was grass cutting and routine maintenance.  Now there are overgrown trees in need of tree pruning services, over-sized landscaping, erosion issues, dilapidated walls, and drainage concerns.
delipdated associationdrainage 4

This can be a real challenge to an association’s budget!
worried dollar 2

Blade Runners helps you make an extraordinary first impression. We’ve helped homeowners as Parker Landscaper has done in many communities, condo and homeowners associations create a positive, refreshed, and inviting look to their communities.  How do we make this possible?

1)  We assess the entire property and consider what is needed.  We separate what can be salvaged from what needs full replacement.

2)  A budget is submitted for the entire project on a building by building basis.  Priorities are established and a budget is created to stretch from a 3-5 year period.

 Long range right2long range left 4

 3)  Detailed proposals are presented for projects as they are ready for completion.

With a good plan from Blade Runners, your property can be completely transformed in 3 to 5 years. 


This is the sort of thing that shows you a different from our previous company! Look at this before and after picture of the roadway after a routine mowing.  Our old company would have just left this mess in the street.

Hello Eric and Terry…
I have been very fortunate to work from home last week and watch the wonderful workers who from beginning to end (planting today!) did all the work to dig up and prepare and set in the swales behind the houses at the top of indian ridge from 11799 to 11787…

Ruben came by today too and we walked the swale and talked…I want to thank him and this wonderful crew we have here…..
Edwin and Daniel and Meja who have toiled… each day from early morning to late afternoon during the hottest most humid week of the summer, where people take advantage of this by enjoying in the pool, which they keep clean with the right equipment, you can get more info about them in different sites online…

they never complained, never slacked… worked SO hard!!

they are so friendly and respectful… the work is exemplary …. the swale is beautiful…it survived the incredible rain of friday too!!! amazing!!!!

the grounds crew rarely ever gets a nod from the residents…and yet we see that they are diligently here in all kinds of weather helping to keep hunters green cluster neat and tidy… they are always friendly and considerate…whenever a homeowner goes to get in or out of the cars, get their mail etc, the workers stop their work in order to keep the dust and clippings from blowing at them..

it is important to hear the good things… in fact, we so rarely say anything… so much easier to complain… YET, it is not… it is actually much easier to compliment and thank our guys for their efforts on our behalf!!!

thanks so much..
come see the work!!! it is NICE…

(now… we know we have many more erosion areas that need this kind of work… this was a considerably bigger project than some would be, so i am very hopeful that we can do more..)

rushing out for a platelet donation… there will be more later!

katharine hunter 703-476-9095

H Katharine Hunter
…. cliche or no… peace, please

Many people are naturally concerned about the products lawn care companies use on the landscape. This simple entry is not designed to give you all the answers. It is to point out the level of danger or toxicity as they relate to common household products.

Did you now that each chemical has a measured LD50 rating? See the definition below

In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD50 (abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), LC50 (Lethal Concentration, 50%) is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population. LD50 figures are frequently used as a general indicator of a substance’s acute toxicity. The test was created by J.W. Trevan in 1927. The concept, and calculation of the median lethal dose for comparison purposes, is widely used for purposes as pesticide by companies as Emergency Pest Control Orangeville that specialize in this.
Generally the lower the score the higher the danger of the product. See below a sample list of standard landscape products and the LD50 score. Below find some sample household products for comparison.

Products used by landscapers LD50 score Use
2-4-D (Ld score of 700) Used for controlling turf weeds
Barricade (Ld score of 5000) Used to prevent crabgrass
Manage (Ld score of 1287) Used for controlling turf weeds
merit[imidicloprid] (Ld score of 1858) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
orthene[acephate] (Ld score of 1447) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
Roundup[glyphosate] (Ld score of 5600) Used to kill weeds in the pavement
Sevin[carbaryl (Ld score of 307) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
talstar[bifenthrin] (Ld score of 623) Used to control insect pests in the landscape

Household and other products for comparison LD50 score Use
Arsenic (Ld score of 15) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
Aspirin (Ld score of 1240)
CAFFEINE (Ld score of 192) Starbucks! We drink this!
Cyanide (Ld score of 6) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
DDT (Ld score of 87) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
Deet (Ld score of 1800) Used in most insect repellants we spray this on our skin!
Frontline[flea/tick] (Ld score of 2995) We apply this to our pets!
Lysol (Ld score of 500) Clean Clean here, rub rub there
Nicotine (Ld score of 50) No need to comment on this one
Oil (Ld score of 5000) We handle this with our cars
Revolution[flea/tick] (Ld score of 1600) We apply this to our pets!
Salt (Ld score of 3300) Where would we be without this
Tilex (Ld score of 5000) Mold and mildew be gone
Toilet Cleaner (Ld score of 1850) Keep that bowl tidy!

The proper and safe application of landscape products is very important. Hopefully you can see from this chart, that the products used are no worse that the ones you use at home.

Organic program alternative:
It would be terrific to have a fully organic fertilization and weed control program that was as effective as the traditional approach using synthetic chemical weed control products. Unfortunately there are no proven organic products that kill weeds after they emerge. Corn Gluten can be effective for the pre-emergence control of crabgrass and some broadleaf weeds, please see detailed information below regarding *corn gluten.

*Information regarding Corn Gluten:
Corn gluten is a by-product of wet milling process to make cornstarch. It is an animal feed for cattle, poultry, other livestock, fish and some dog foods. It also contains naturally occurring substances, which inhibit the growth of seed’s tiny feeder roots by causing a break down in the cell wall. The seedlings struggle to get enough moisture, which causes them to die before they ever have a chance to take hold. When used as directed, corn gluten acts as a preemergent natural herbicide that will not harm beneficial insects, soil organisms, pond or stream life. It is also safe around pets and children.
Since corn gluten kills only the roots of sprouting seeds, it can be used around transplants and established vegetables, flowers, fruit, shrubs and lawns. It can be used even up to the day of harvest. Once vegetable or flower seedlings have true leaves, it is then safe to apply corn gluten.
Corn gluten has another benefit. It is 10% nitrogen by weight in a slow release form. As a 10-0-0 fertilizer it can inhibit weed germination and feed your lawn and garden nitrogen. (Additional supplements of phosphorous and potassium may be needed, based on a soil test.)
The only potential hazard that is documented so far is potential allergic reaction from inhalation of dust with certain individuals.
Effectiveness of corn Gluten
• Corn gluten works on seeds not established plants. It will not kill a dandelion plant.
• It has reduced crabgrass by 86% the first year and 98% the second year provided recommended rates are applied in both spring and fall. Dandelion infestations were reduced 100% in plots treated for 4 years in spring and fall.
• Plants tested to date for susceptibility = 23 and include: barnyard grass, smooth crabgrass, curly dock, green & yellow, black nightshade, orchard grass, shattercane, purslane, wooly cupgrass, giant foxtail, lambsquarters, buckhorn, quackgrass, velvetleaf, annual bluegrass, dandelions, creeping bentgrass, black medic, redroot pigweed, catchweed bedstraw, & other common garden weeds.
• Corn gluten lasts 5-6 weeks. There is no carryover. After this time seeds can be planted in treated areas without being effected.
The Green Guardian (https://www.greenerpast.com/tips.html) , offers a liquid application that employs the active ingrediante extract from corngluten along with sugar beet extract that they believe provides post emergent control. I have spoken with some current users who confirm the product is effective. While I cannot offer personal assurance at this time, there is enough evidence to try the program as an organic alternative.

Our organic program is a coordinated effort that employs not only different products, but alternative maintenance practice to bring about desired results while not using conventional control methods. It should be understood that this program will not produce the same results of conventional programs. It is likely that you will have unwanted weed populations in the turf. However, there will be other benefits for the overall health of the turf to include a deeper root system and a greener color.
Change in maintenance and product practice:

Mowing height: The height should be raised an additional inch to 3 ½” in spring and 4” in the summer. This can leave a shaggy appearance from time to time.

Mowing frequency: We would need to mow the property more frequently (an additional 7 mowings per season) to maintain an acceptable appearance and reduce thatch issues.

Increase in aeration: There would be a spring and fall aeration to the property.

Liming: Would become an annual and integrated part of the program.

Seeding: Would become an annual and integrated part of the program.

Application 1 14-0-5 March
Application 2 Aeration ,14-0-5 April
Application 3 14-0-5 May
Application 4 5-0-3 June
Application 5 Liming, and 5-0-3 July
Application 6 5-0-3 Aug
Application 7 14-0-5 ,Aeration,Seeding Sep/Oct
Application 8 14-0-5 Nov

Are you worried about the herbicides and pesticides being applied to your property? Below find listed the organizations and agencies that can help you. In addition to this Blade Runners has a pesticide safety handbook, please contact us if you would like a copy.

Poison Control Center 1800 492-2414 This is a toll free emergency number operating 24 hrs a day for questions on treatment of poison from any cause, including pesticides.

Chemtrec 1800 424-9300 This is a 24 hrs emergency hotline for questions dealing with chemical spills.

Animal Poison Control Center 1 217 337-5030 This number is operated 24 hrs a day by the University of Illinois as an emergency hotline.

National Pesticide Telecom 1800 858-7378 This Number is a free service operating Monday through Friday 9:30 AM until 7:30 PM EST. It may be called by non-professionals. This number provides non-emergency information on product chemistry, protective equipment, safety, health and environmental effects. It is founded by the EPA and operated by Oregon State University.

Chemical Manufactures of America—1800 622-8200 This number may be called by non-professionals Monday through Friday 8: AM until 9:00 PM EST. CMA provides non-emergency safely and health information on many chemicals including but not limited to pesticides.

The Safety Drinking Water Hotline—1800 426-4791 This line is available to answer questions concerning the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Dear Blade Runners…
especially to EDWIN LORENO

it is now after noon… on the day I hit the metal drainage cover on my exit from Indian Ridge…
I heard the bad noise, as did golfers and was out of my car bemoaning my lack of attention and the resulting damage…sigh

and, along came Edwin Lorenzo!!! SO VERY nice to me… so patient and caring..
he let me complain and moan and went right about sympathizing with me…
lamenting the sharp metal cover..(the regular curb would not have done any damage)
and went straight work helping me… (in fact, basically took over for me…) to change my tire..
how very very wonderful and thoughtful and caring..

I thank you, so much, Edwin…
I appreciate your time and help, Edwin…
and, I want Blade Runners to know how much I continue to appreciate your efforts on our behalf …
and today…
MY DILEMA made ever so much less terrible because YOU CARED to stop and help me!!!!

H Katharine Hunter

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