Tag Archive for: HOA Landscaping

Hi – A team came today to take care of all of my weeds in the front/back of my house. They did an AMAZING job. I wanted to thank them for all of their work. Best – Andrea 

**Did you know that Blade Runners offers work to your individual home when you live within a Community we maintain?  We sure do! 

Do you live in a Blade Runners Maintained Community?

   Start here and review the services we offer to our Residents  – https://blade-runners.com/services-store/ 

Thanks Shannon. …We had one other proposal that was comparable but chose to go with Blade Runners because of your team’s professionalism and the customer service we’ve received so far.



Just wanted to say Thanks !!! The Drains are clean and drainage areas look clear.  

I also wanted to say that the Crew that worked the Property yesterday are great !!! Please pass on my gratitude for always doing a good job. I asked for a certain area to be cut a little closer to the home and they knocked it out. Really appreciate it.

Have a Great 4th of July Weekend !!!




The homeowner at 11804 Rockaway (a board member) loves the new pavers and rocks next to the driveway. They look great! The crew did a very neat job and from what I can see it all looks even and level. Nice job! 

I wanted to share the good news!

Another resident complimented the edging you guys are doing today. I know you guys do good job….
That one person who got off the no touch list probably due to the better job you guys are doing comparing to the old guys and his wife also mentioned in passing that you guys are doing a great job
Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!
Thanks! KS

“Hello Shannon, your mowing crew was here yesterday and one of my neighbors and I were looking at the grass and commenting on what an absolutely amazing recovery your company has accomplished with our grass situation.   It’s really almost unbelievable except we’re seeing it with our own eyes!!  “

“Kudos to BladeRunners.”      Genny

Hi Andy,

I saw the crew planting today. You were right about the plants. They all look nice (and they went above and beyond and pulled up some invasive ground cover while they were there. Please thank them for us.


Dave.. is the new Board President. I am in the middle of selling my Condo.
Please switch the e-mails over to Dave  and Dan, our Gates Hudson Portfolio Manager and remove my e-mail from the distro.
On a second note, you and Blade Runner’s have done a fantastic job during my tenure, I know you will do the same going forward and wanted to say thank you.
Sent from my iPhone.


……The residential wing of B-R just completed my front lawn on Friday.  It looks great!  I had grass replaced with ground cover (Little Blue Star Creeper) and Moonbeam.  Also had 2 shrubs placed.   

I’m fine with weeding, mulching, trimming etc. but do request that no mowing be done.  This ground cover will only grow 1 -3” which is exactly why I selected it.  Very happy with service.  Thanks for the referral.  I think it will generate more business 🙂


Blade Runners has taken the following steps to improve our ability to meet the demands of extreme events.

Purchase of additional heavy equipment:

By far our biggest challenge was the amount and availability of heavy equipment.  Blade Runners has since purchased 8 additional loaders

Loader Line up

In addition we have invested in 15 “Kage” Box/plow attachments. Please see the video below for further details.

Introduction of staging service:

We now offer a service that stages the new Box/Plow loader on the site for moderate events. This will insure immediate attention in heavy events for the future. Our clients have asked what can be done to insure faster service and this is the answer.

Reduction in the snow work load:

We found the largest jobs created the most scheduling havoc.  The quantity of snow created an exponential challenge. We have eliminated poorly located work of this type, and will be very careful to get a high service commitment from these properties in the future.

It is our feeling that these improvements will significantly improve our snow removal performance.

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