Tag Archive for: HOA Landscape

Eric and Raul –
Just wanted to send you a quick note regarding Park Glen Heights HOA. I know this is still a very new contract but I had a meeting with the Board President this morning and she just couldn’t say enough nice things about Blade Runners and the awesome work the crew has been doing in the association. The entire board and members of the community are incredibly satisfied with the work that has occurred this year and they feel that they definitely made the right decision on choosing you as the landscaping contract.
I wanted to pass this along, as I know in this business, too often the only time emails are sent are when there are issues or problems or concerns. As a manager, I try to make sure I pass along “good emails” to vendors as well.
I hope the both of you have a great rest of the day!
Katie M. Kight, CMCA, AMS
Community Association Manager, Park Glen Heights HOA

“I would like to thank you so very much for all of the time, effort, and support you especially have given us over the years and I hope we can continue the partnership onward. Blade Runners has truly helped Danbury Forest thrive and be a beautiful place to call home!
Thanks again…Mike…it has been a pleasure working with you, Eric, Johni and your staff.”

Jenni Hopkins
Danbury Forest Community HOA

Blade-Runners performs a very good service here and their crews have gone
over and above several times to help our residents.

I’ve copied the President of Blade-Runners and again, thank you.

Please let me know when the repairs are completed.

Tiger Keathley, AMS
Interim General Manager
West Village of Shirlington, An Associa Managed Community
4161 South Four Mile Run, Unit 101
Arlington, VA  22204
703-271-5488 phone
703-271-2688 fax

We have been very happy with the Bladerunner’s snow removal service (and all of their service for that matter). They are always rapid to clear the road during any storm. We never seem to wait for them to show up and I can’t think of any time in the last 8 years that I have lived here where I have felt stranded because they haven’t started to plow. One of the great services they offer is to send email notifications before, during, and after a snow event telling you their plan and giving you the opportunity to decline or add services (examples attached). The Board gets the notices and then we post them to our website, or you can forward it to the cluster (I would remove the bladerunners contact info so you don’t have a bunch of homeowner’s contacting them directly). When there is a snow event it seems everyone at Bladerunners is committed to it, right down to the President as most of the notices come from him.

One of the “extra services” that we have to add from time to time is for a front end loader to remove the snow piled up in the 14 visitor spaces or the mounds of snow from large accumulations. The basic service only covers a plow coming through and pushing the snow into piles. If there is a 6+ inch event, there is only so many places you can push snow before it begins to block edges of the roadway, corners, and general parking areas. The only way to get these areas cleared is with a front end loader and smaller Bobcats. When you order this service there is an extra fee which is by the hour but worth it.

There are really never any complaints about their service. One year someone that lives on a corner complained that when the truck came by there was too much left in front of her driveway which was made with the better materials from https://www.jacksonasphalt.com.au/concrete-vs-asphalt-surfacing-material-works-better-driveways-2/. She lives on a corner that is hard to get and since then they always get closer to her driveway. She complains about everything and hasn’t complained about this in the past 3 years so that is a good sign. Also the Magic Salt does appear to work as the road is never slippery.

I am sure you can find cheaper alternatives; however, I don’t think you will find anyone as thorough, reliable, and RAPID. The last thing I would want to do is change services and then find out 12 hours into a snowstorm that they don’t do snow removal anymore, or their ONE truck has broken down. Good luck in your search!

Jack MacNeil


Towns Of Waterford Hoa

Reston VA

Dear Manaager, Heights of Penderbrook:

Glad you mentioned BladeRunners. They are included in our landscaping bidding process. How is your experience with them?

They do a good job and very knowledgeable in the field. I would definitely consider them if your Board is looking for a landscaping company concentrating on going green, in regards to the environment. BladeRunner are on the cutting edge on this movement. Even their grounds men are wearing blue shirts with the “going green logo” so in short they have my endorsement.

Derrick Springfield

Site Manager

Legum & Norman, Inc.

An Associa® Member Company


Read all about Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act requirements for new notice of pesticide application 

Many Virginia HOA Boards, Property Managers, and landscape contractors were blindsided by a Virginia Statute (§ 55-510.3 ) requiring 48 hours of posting notice for all agronomic applications.

Read the actual statue § 55-510.3. Common areas; notice of pesticide application.  The association shall post notice of all pesticide applications in or upon the common areas. Such notice shall consist of conspicuous signs placed in or upon the common areas where the pesticide will be applied at least 48 hours prior to the application

Posting Agronomic Signs & Blade Runners Approach:

While this may produce added expense for the association it really is a good idea.  Effective communication to the residents, if done properly, communicates service dates, contact phone numbers for residents with questions, and provides residents with support documentation of pesticide products to be applied, along with product labels and contact information should they have further concerns.  

Blade Runners has long provided this pesticide sign posting service as an option for HOA’s.  This not just littering the community with pesticide application flags vaguely communicating the something was applied. When you need your pest control issues taken care of promptly, call PA Pest Arrest!

We provide highly visible, solid real estate-style signs placed at specific areas of the property. It contains the dates of application along with a phone number to call with questions, as well as, our website address.

Proper implementation for both pesticide notice posting and the agronomic applications takes planning.  Adequate inventories of signs are needed to replace weathered and/or stolen signs.  Coordination planning is necessary in order to time the application after a turf mowing for maximum control along with the required 48 hour advance posting visit to place the signs. In the event of poor weather, an additional visit might be needed to alter the date.  Signs are removed from the site after the application.

 Blade Runners has a resource manual that contains

  • Product label and MSDS sheets for all products we use.
  • Phone numbers for state and government agencies should the client want addition information.
  • Questions and answers regarding the service
  • Our methods of production and the manner in which we deliver the service.

As with many things there is more to this than meets the eye. Associations should be careful that there solution is a comprehensive one that adds value.

Turn this annoyance into a positive thing for your community.


Blade Runners have been here all morning. I have been outside since 9:00 working on a patio and side garden project so I had an opportunity to observe the workers. Here is my assessment: Perfect. There is not a leaf on the property and these young men work very hard. I even asked them to be careful not to blow towards my garden and they were extremely respectful and courteous. From my perspective, Blade Runners hit a home run today.”

Chancery Square Resident


Please give your mowing crew a big thanks from SHA (Stonehurst Homeowners Association). The grounds look awesome! There were loads of small twigs, broken branches and leaves all over the neighborhood- looked like a hurricane had come through our neighborhood. LOL So make sure they get our thanks- they just left now-7pm-

Mary Foster
Stonehurst Homeowners Association

“I have to tell you, your team is very impressive as is the excellent customer service you’re providing! Thanks so much and looking forward to working with Blade Runners more in the future!”

Sabrina Barnhart

Board President


Lake Ridge, VA

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