Tag Archive for: Blade Runners

Hi Andy,

I spoke with Pablo and Ernesto today about the area uphill from the new catch basins and biologs. As you can see from the photo below, that area has been seeded and strawed, with cones marking where the seed is. I requested that Blade Runners not mow down past the top catch basin (marked by the red cone in the middle of the photo) and that they avoid the narrow “wheelbarrow path” uphill from there on this visit and the next one. Pablo suggested that they use a hand mower, which I thought was a great idea.

I also reiterated the request not to remove leaves in the wooded area to help mitigate runoff there and to provide natural compost (he already knew about that). In addition we talked about some of the other areas that residents have complained about (he knew about almost all of them), and I agreed with his instructions not to mow areas that have no grass even if they’re marked on the map. I found it a reassuring conversation.  And the community already looks much better thanks to their visit 



**Do you know who to talk to when you have question on site about our work

We can help, we have an established line of communication.

 Start here and review the process to get your questions answered – https://blade-runners.com/who-should-i-talk-to-on-the-site/


You have been amazing since our initial consultation. We appreciate your attention to detail, your creativity and expertise, and your dedication to making our project shine. Your constant communication throughout the entire process kept us at ease. Thank you sincerely for your professionalism and thoughtfulness.

Your team is fantastic! We have never witnessed such meticulous and steady progress in making all of this work look so effortless. Also, the final touches to the flower bed bricks blend the entire aesthetic and everything looks so polished. We absolutely love the end result and will continue to sing your praises. We contacted our board/landscaping committee to express our wonderfully positive experience with you and your team, and our neighbors have been inquiring about your services. (Best part…no one is cutting through our property anymore! 🙂

Thank you for providing such an attractive solution for us…that blue spruce is everything!

Lori & Heather



**Did you know that Blade Runners offers work to your individual home when you live within a Community we maintain? 

We sure do!   Do you live in a Blade Runners Maintained Community?

 Start here and review the services we offer to our Residents  – https://blade-runners.com/services-store/ 

You were able to find the new boxleaf euonymus very quickly! It seems to be doing well.

Thank you for your quick response. The salvia may just need a little more time to get established. Spring will let us know.

We are truly happy to look out at our yards and enjoy the beautiful landscapes! 

Thank you again!


**Did you know that Blade Runners offers work to your individual home when you live within a Community we maintain? 

We sure do!   Do you live in a Blade Runners Maintained Community?

 Start here and review the services we offer to our Residents  – https://blade-runners.com/services-store/ 

Hi Shannon,

MLCA hosted its annual meeting last Thursday evening, July 28.  As you might imagine, one of the agenda topics was the landscaping work the board has undertaken, as well as the change in landscape contractor.  The change in landscape contractor was first brought up in the context of the annual budget.  The Blade Runners contract is significantly more expensive than our previous contractor and to cover the additional cost we will have to raise our dues.

Such increases are never popular, but there is good news: everyone in attendance agreed the landscaping looks very nice, and so there were zero objections when we explained the need to raise dues.  Everyone agreed this is money well spent.  One fellow not often complimentary of the board wrote us “The landscape seems more brilliant and adds to our street scape. And thanks for that.”

Thank you for the fine job the crew is doing.  It’s very pleasant coming into our neighborhood and seeing well-kept lawns, trimmed sidewalks and flower beds without weeds.  It’s a dramatic improvement, and we’re all very happy with the change.

Rich T…
MLCA Board



Shannon, BTW – your guys are super nice. I was chatting with a few working on my building when I got home. Wanted to be sure you had that feedback, though I’m sure you know.

While doing work, another Board Member emailed:

Your crew did their usual great work, looks very neat and nice!  I can’t imagine working that hard in this heat and humidity.

Thanks Shannon. …We had one other proposal that was comparable but chose to go with Blade Runners because of your team’s professionalism and the customer service we’ve received so far.



Just wanted to say Thanks !!! The Drains are clean and drainage areas look clear.  

I also wanted to say that the Crew that worked the Property yesterday are great !!! Please pass on my gratitude for always doing a good job. I asked for a certain area to be cut a little closer to the home and they knocked it out. Really appreciate it.

Have a Great 4th of July Weekend !!!



Good morning- 

The crew that took down the tree yesterday and has been here this morning to clear away the branches- can’t say enough how impressed I have been.

And grateful for how carefully they removed the globe and light bulb from the lampost and put them back and cleaned even as the storm was starting! 


The crew finished work today and did a very nice job.  All instructions were followed.  Please thank the crew for their good efforts.


Another resident complimented the edging you guys are doing today. I know you guys do good job….
That one person who got off the no touch list probably due to the better job you guys are doing comparing to the old guys and his wife also mentioned in passing that you guys are doing a great job
Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!
Thanks! KS

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