Hi Andy,
I spoke with Pablo and Ernesto today about the area uphill from the new catch basins and biologs. As you can see from the photo below, that area has been seeded and strawed, with cones marking where the seed is. I requested that Blade Runners not mow down past the top catch basin (marked by the red cone in the middle of the photo) and that they avoid the narrow “wheelbarrow path” uphill from there on this visit and the next one. Pablo suggested that they use a hand mower, which I thought was a great idea.
I also reiterated the request not to remove leaves in the wooded area to help mitigate runoff there and to provide natural compost (he already knew about that). In addition we talked about some of the other areas that residents have complained about (he knew about almost all of them), and I agreed with his instructions not to mow areas that have no grass even if they’re marked on the map. I found it a reassuring conversation. And the community already looks much better thanks to their visit