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Good afternoon Amy-

It was a pleasure speaking with you earlier today.  Thank you so much for returning my call!
I am reaching out to share that I have observed, consistently, exemplary outdoor landscape upkeep and beautification work by three individuals in the employ of Bladerunner and wanted to share with you their names:  Fernando Campos, Rosemary Flores, and Ernesto Segovia.
On a number of particularly hot days, I had occasion to offer water and Gatorade to these lovely people and wanted you to know how absolutely delightful they were in interacting with me, in addition to their obvious commitment to meticulous and careful attention to detail on the property immediately outside of the residence in which I live.  
Everything always looks so fresh and clean when they have come through, and they are such nice people, as well.
While I am not an owner here in the community, I think it is very pretty and now I know why it makes such a nice appearance!  If I am able to do so, I expect that I will be purchasing a residence in this beautifully-kept community.
Please let Fernando, Rosemary, and Ernesto know that somebody is noticing their commitment to their art and craft–They certainly are a credit to Blade Runners!
With kindest regards,

T– /A–

From my entering and exiting the community yesterday and today, it looks like Blade runners staff did an outstanding job of cutting the grass and removing the leaves.

Please pass that on

Best Regards,

POA Management Associates, LLC

Many people are naturally concerned about the products lawn care companies use on the landscape. This simple entry is not designed to give you all the answers. It is to point out the level of danger or toxicity as they relate to common household products.

Did you now that each chemical has a measured LD50 rating? See the definition below

In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD50 (abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), LC50 (Lethal Concentration, 50%) is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population. LD50 figures are frequently used as a general indicator of a substance’s acute toxicity. The test was created by J.W. Trevan in 1927. The concept, and calculation of the median lethal dose for comparison purposes, is widely used for purposes as pesticide by companies as Emergency Pest Control Orangeville that specialize in this.
Generally the lower the score the higher the danger of the product. See below a sample list of standard landscape products and the LD50 score. Below find some sample household products for comparison.

Products used by landscapers LD50 score Use
2-4-D (Ld score of 700) Used for controlling turf weeds
Barricade (Ld score of 5000) Used to prevent crabgrass
Manage (Ld score of 1287) Used for controlling turf weeds
merit[imidicloprid] (Ld score of 1858) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
orthene[acephate] (Ld score of 1447) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
Roundup[glyphosate] (Ld score of 5600) Used to kill weeds in the pavement
Sevin[carbaryl (Ld score of 307) Used to control insect pests in the landscape
talstar[bifenthrin] (Ld score of 623) Used to control insect pests in the landscape

Household and other products for comparison LD50 score Use
Arsenic (Ld score of 15) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
Aspirin (Ld score of 1240)
CAFFEINE (Ld score of 192) Starbucks! We drink this!
Cyanide (Ld score of 6) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
DDT (Ld score of 87) Hopefully not used in your home but a basis for comparison
Deet (Ld score of 1800) Used in most insect repellants we spray this on our skin!
Frontline[flea/tick] (Ld score of 2995) We apply this to our pets!
Lysol (Ld score of 500) Clean Clean here, rub rub there
Nicotine (Ld score of 50) No need to comment on this one
Oil (Ld score of 5000) We handle this with our cars
Revolution[flea/tick] (Ld score of 1600) We apply this to our pets!
Salt (Ld score of 3300) Where would we be without this
Tilex (Ld score of 5000) Mold and mildew be gone
Toilet Cleaner (Ld score of 1850) Keep that bowl tidy!

The proper and safe application of landscape products is very important. Hopefully you can see from this chart, that the products used are no worse that the ones you use at home.

I want to thank you for the great job your folks did on restaking the tree. You guys really are the best, and it’s been a pleasure to recommend you to other HOAs in the area.

Jim Rial
President, First Ballston association

Blade-runners has been the landscapers at the garden style apartment building we manage for close to 10 years. Being a garden style property, curb appeal is VERY important to us. Before starting to work with Blade runners we had used a number of different companies, never quite happy with the workmanship or customer service.

In today’s world of automation or never getting the same person twice, it’s nice to have a manager for our property that knows us, knows our expectations for the property and wants to make sure we are happy. Check out https://www.alarmnewengland.com/home-security to get a reliable and personalized service. And because we have had the same project manager for sometime, he also knows the history of the property and what plants work well there. For example, we always ask for pansies in the fall on the north side of the property. They really don’t get enough sun to be happy there, and on our last walk through of the property, our project manager suggested cabbages instead that will look fabulous. We can’t wait to see them this year. He put together a plan that will work with our conditions and will suit our needs, including the right security measures like security cameras and  a parabolic listening device to make sure our property is safe.

We would not hesitate to recommend Blade runners to anyone who wants to have beautiful grounds after trying the how to guide from brecks: https://www.brecks.com/how_to_overview!

Michael Campbell
Manor House Apartments

“The staff at Blade Runners has outstanding knowledge of the landscape business — your lawn, your shrubs, your trees, and much, much more. Plus, customer service and satisfaction are always a top priority with them. Blade Runners, you’re the best!”

Kelly Hardy
Landscape Committee Chair
Williamsburg Pond Home Owners Association

Proper Pruning for the Pragmatic Practitioner

I Creating an Objective: The first order of business with regards to pruning is without a doubt to “Create a Pruning Objective”. Some of the most common objectives are listed as examples below.

To improve structure/health : Improve health by establishing a structural pruning program to young trees 15’ or less on the property. Often times these trees are overlooked in the landscape but, how often have you encountered a problem that could have been avoided if it would have been addressed 20 years ago. Young trees are like children. This is the optimal window of opportunity to influence their development at maturity. Structural pruning of young trees is the best way to ensure and improve the serviceable lifespan of trees on your property.

For times when a natural calamity strikes and removing fallen trees out of the way becomes important, tree removal services is then the only choice one is left with. Follow the link given to find the best tree removal services in town |  Affordable Tree Removal: Manhattan Tree Removal Services | 347-956-4342

To provide a view- A view can be created or enhanced through crown reduction where the edge of the crown at the top of the tree is reduced or by elevation pruning where lower branches of the crown are removed.
To provide clearance- Growth can be directed away from buildings lights or parking areas. This is the most commonly request pruning item and will need to be repeated as the tree will grow back to fill the void created by pruning.
To reduce risk of failure- Risk of tree failure can be reduced by identifying and rectifying hazard conditions such as included bark, dead or broken branches or large scaffold limbs . Mature trees need to be monitored to manage these risks. Recommendations will depend on the specific tree and

II Types of Pruning: You may have noted several pruning terms listed in the description above. Your proposal should speak in these terms, beware of specs that simply state ‘Pruning’ We using the following terms in our proposals as they are recognized tree standards supported by the International Society of Arboriculture and the American National Standards Institute[ANSI]

Remove Deadwood- Eliminating deadwood is an essential maintenance practice for trees. Dead limbs exceeding 1″ in caliper will be removed in order to eliminate a possible hazard to underlying targets. Appropriate pruning cuts will be performed to allow the tree to compartmentalize the wound from insects or diseases and to prevent future inoculations.

Crown Clean- A light pruning of thinning or lateral cuts to selectively remove dead, broken, crossing, injured, co-dominant or diseased branches. This type of pruning is done to reduce the risk of branches falling from the tree and to reduce the movement of decay, insects, and diseases from dead or dying branches into the rest of the tree. It can be performed on trees of any age but, is most commonly practiced on medium aged or mature trees. Dead branches less than 1″ in diameter are not included.
Crown Thinning- Selective removal of live branches to reduce crown density. Crown Thinning increases the penetration of light through the canopy, increases air flow circulation and reduces wind resistance in the crown.

Crown Reduction- Lateral or drop-crotch cuts to reduce the breadth of the canopy or decrease the height and/or breadth of a tree. This type of pruning is done to reduce the risk of structural failure or to prevent encroachment of vegetation into undesirable areas such as nearby buildings, parking lots, lamp posts, utility lines or other structures where clearance is desired.

Crown Elevation- Selective removal of branches to provide vertical clearance above walkways, vehicles, signs, streets and vistas.

Structural Pruning- Removal of live branches to establish dominant central leader, influence spacing, growth rate, strength of attachment and size of branches. Structural pruning is often performed to young or medium-aged trees to encourage trunk taper and improve branch arrangement in order to increase serviceable lifespan of tree.

When encouraging the healthy growth of your trees and plants it is important for you or your contractor to follow the American National Standards for Pruning (ANSI 300). Read more to see these standards and to get other hints! You should not be confused by the terminology that your contractors use. Be Pragmatic and ask Pointed Questions! Be sure they follow the appropriate terminology and have thoroughly trained staff. Your contractor will know when is the best time to prune each specific plant.

We welcome all calls to your Blade Runners Account Manager should you have any questions!

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