Service Specs

Blade Runners is progressive in their approach.

Blade Runners will initiate service dependent on the weather forecast. Each event has its own challenge and requires a specific strategy. As a rule of thumb, we follow Virginia Department of Transportation’s lead on plowing and ice control applications. In some cases it may be necessary to provide pre-treatment to the road and walkways when an event is forecast. Blade Runners uses all available information and weather conditions to design a plan of action best suited for your property.

Blade Runners will use Ice B’Gone Magic®.

Ice B’Gone Magic®. is a highly efficient solid granular deicer effective down to -35°F, can “burn off” up to 1-2″ of snow with no plowing and exhibits a residual effect making it last longer than ordinary deicers. Ice B’Gone Magic® is less corrosive, pet safe, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It’s safer to use on concrete and will not harm curbside grassed areas or plants. Ice B’Gone Magic is the only ice control product recognized by the EPA for safer chemistry. Ice B’Gone Magic® starts out as ordinary salt, which is then treated with a liquid, agricultural by-product of the distilling process blended with magnesium chloride. This patented liquid is trademarked as Magic-0™ and dramatically transforms rock salt into a new de-icing material.

Blade Runners will communicate plans via email

Blade Runners has a terrific way to communicate there action plans. Please visit to subscribe to the service. It is free and can be sent via email or text.

Service Areas Defined:

  • Snow Plowing: Common Roadway Areas: (Most HOA ‘s receive this level of service) This service is limited to the streets on the property that are not maintained by county plows. Individual parking spaces and/or pool parking lots will only be plowed at Client’s request and this service will be performed at our hourly rate the day following a storm.
  • Snow Plowing: All Roadway Areas: This service includes automatic plowing of all paved parking surfaces at each visit. This includes service to vacant parking spaces of three (3) or more abreast. In cases where the clients want single or double spaces plowed a loader will be needed (see loader service).

Service Descriptions Defined:

  • Snow Plowing: Blade Runners will push and pile snow to perimeter of service area. To the extent possible Blade Runners will minimize obstructing vehicles however during routine snowfalls up to a foot of snow or more can accumulate behind parked cars. Heavier volumes of snow should be expected at dead ends, corners and downhill areas. Client will be expected to shovel snow behind vehicles as a result form plowing operations (please do not place snow back into the street as this creates challenges in keeping the roadway clear. In addition it is likely the snow will be plow back into your space later). Plowing service may be repeated 2 or 3x during the course of a storm. Plowing operations will be performed in a good workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Areas obstructed by vehicles, equipment or other property shall be omitted from service. Upon request from the Client, Blade Runners offers loader service to remove excessive piles of snow behind vehicles, at corners, at dead ends or any other problematic areas on the property. In heavy storms we are limited with standard plowing trucks. Blade Runners will not automatically provide loader service. If you would like snow placed in different areas, you will need to request the loader service from Blade Runners.

Ice B’Gone Magic Treatments:

  • Pre-Treatment: Blade Runners will treat roadways prior to the weather event as a method to eliminate plowing of light snow accumulations and to mitigate hazardous conditions due to ice, sleet or freezing rain. Pre-treatment or anti-icing with Ice B’Gone Magic granular or liquid (Magic-0™) is a proactive approach. In cases of light precipitation granular product can remove the need to plow or the need for post treatment ice control applications. In cases of heavier precipitation liquid product will bond with the surface reducing plow times and decreasing the likelihood of snow sticking to the pavement. Liquid product may be applied several days in advance of an event. Subsequent vehicle traffic will serve to spread the application over the entire road surface.
  • Post Treatment: Blade Runners will treat roadways following the weather event. Generally post treatment applications require larger amounts of product due to storm severity, surface temperatures, sunlight and slope of roadway . Applications will be made with Ice B’Gone Magic granular or liquid (Magic-0™) at the Blade Runners s discretion.
  • Walkway Service: Check with management to see if you receive this service and at what level. Walkway Service:Contractor will blow/shovel and pile snow to adjacent areas. Walks are cleared to a 30” width. It is understood that walkway service may be delayed should weather conditions become unsafe.
  • Heavy equipment Service: Check with management to see if you receive this service and at what level. Heavy Equipment will be used for more precise movement of snow. Clearing of entranceways, driveways, garage doors, behind cars, hydrants, drains, dumpster, and other tight areas. They are also used for moving large piles and clearing snow when snow Blades are no longer effective.

Get in touch now

Hello! Eric Storck, President of Blade Runners here.

You have the bat phone directly to my desk! I am interested in your email and am anxious to deliver quality service in a courteous fashion.
Just fill out the form below!

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