
The crew finished work today and did a very nice job.  All instructions were followed.  Please thank the crew for their good efforts.


Another resident complimented the edging you guys are doing today. I know you guys do good job….
That one person who got off the no touch list probably due to the better job you guys are doing comparing to the old guys and his wife also mentioned in passing that you guys are doing a great job
Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!
Thanks! KS

“Hello Shannon, your mowing crew was here yesterday and one of my neighbors and I were looking at the grass and commenting on what an absolutely amazing recovery your company has accomplished with our grass situation.   It’s really almost unbelievable except we’re seeing it with our own eyes!!  “

“Kudos to BladeRunners.”      Genny

Hi Andy,

I saw the crew planting today. You were right about the plants. They all look nice (and they went above and beyond and pulled up some invasive ground cover while they were there. Please thank them for us.


Hi Andy,

Thanks so for your reply and mainly for your addressing all of the issues I raised. You’ve made my day and I hope you have a good one as well.     

I talked with the foreman when they were on site and I think they got all of the missed areas (one at 1993 had been skipped on purpose because they recognized it had new grass). The supervisor talked with that owner and then sent someone back to mow part of the front. I received the following email from her, which I hope you can share with your team (as I said in my reply to her, I just relayed the message but they had a good reason and were able to come up with a compromise that made the owner happy):

Just a quick note to let you know that the lawn has been cut, the service was excellent, and I must say that you (our cluster) and the Blade Runner foreman exceeded my expectations.  I can’t remember when I had a request for service handled so quickly and efficiently. Thank you.

Dave.. is the new Board President. I am in the middle of selling my Condo.
Please switch the e-mails over to Dave  and Dan, our Gates Hudson Portfolio Manager and remove my e-mail from the distro.
On a second note, you and Blade Runner’s have done a fantastic job during my tenure, I know you will do the same going forward and wanted to say thank you.
Sent from my iPhone.

Mary Sue,
Thank you! We are home now after two weeks of travel!   We know we’ve been a bit nudgey since February about the common grass…
Your work with Blade Runners has worked! We just opened our front door and we’re welcomed home by the best and most beautiful green grass we have had since we’ve lived here!
They have also continued to hand mow since we’ve been away and it makes an incredible difference!
Thanks so much!
Your most appreciative neighbors!

Hi Andy,

I wanted to let you know that I sold my townhouse…  It’s been a pleasure working with Blade Runners — you and your team do an excellent job with the cluster grounds! 

Best Regards,


See what this client has to say:

Hi Terry,

Hope you’re doing well. Wanted to tell you that the turf work that the Blade Runners crew did last month is paying off – the grass looks great! I’ve had several homeowners tell me that this is the beta the grass has looked in years (it’s certainly the best it’s looked since I moved here in five years ago).

Thanks for all your work on Coleson Cluster and please tell the grounds crew that we really appreciate their efforts. It doesn’t go unnoticed.


To see more about the Blade Runners approach Click here—->   Blade Runners Hydro Seeding  

In doing Landscape and Grounds Maintenance for the last 38 years, it sometimes happens that you lose a client from time to time. 

While we hate that, we understand it is part of the industry but NOTHING makes use happier when that client then returns to us after being with another company. 

This is the HIGHEST compliment! 

This voicemail was left for us, upon our return to a long term client after leaving for one year.   

Thank you Margaret,  we are so happy to be back!


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