Blade Runners has taken the following steps to improve our ability to meet the demands of extreme events.

Purchase of additional heavy equipment:

By far our biggest challenge was the amount and availability of heavy equipment.  Blade Runners has since purchased 8 additional loaders

Loader Line up

In addition we have invested in 15 “Kage” Box/plow attachments. Please see the video below for further details.

Introduction of staging service:

We now offer a service that stages the new Box/Plow loader on the site for moderate events. This will insure immediate attention in heavy events for the future. Our clients have asked what can be done to insure faster service and this is the answer.

Reduction in the snow work load:

We found the largest jobs created the most scheduling havoc.  The quantity of snow created an exponential challenge. We have eliminated poorly located work of this type, and will be very careful to get a high service commitment from these properties in the future.

It is our feeling that these improvements will significantly improve our snow removal performance.




Let’s review the Management Chain of Command

ACCOUNT MANAGERhandles direct contact with you, the client
PRODUCTION MANAGERhandles management over-site for quality
CREW CHIEFis in charge of the crew on site; works with the crew
CREW MEMBERperforms physical work


Account Managers and Production Managers drive one of these three vehicle types–feel free to talk  to them anytime.  Account manager CarManagers vehicle


Production manager truck

Crew Chiefs and Crew Members wear blue shirts with the Blade Runners logo.  They are the ones working on the site.  IT IS BEST NOT TO TALK TO THEM.  THEY ARE COMPLETING WORK FOR YOU AND NEED TO GET THEIR TASKS COMPLETED.

Shannon Picture 3 employees -2


1)  Send your questions/concerns to the contact page on the website, which is directed to the president’s desk.

2)  Talk to the manager in the car, van or little truck–as pictured above.

3)  Contact your property manager or main point of contact for the service. (there is always one)


1)   They do not know the full scope of all the work on the service contract.

2)   They are busy doing a physical job and need to focus.

3)   It often results in frustration and miscommunication.

4)   You may resolve your concern one time for that visit, but not for the future when someone else comes the next visit.

5)   They are under pressure for a good deal of quality deliverables that do not involve client contact.

6)   Your concern might have nothing to do with what they are tasked for that day.  For instance, you might want to know about shrub trimming and they are  there to mow.

The contact page is really the best, it goes to the president’s desk.

Picture 4

Line Trimmers are a great piece of equipment! They save countless hours of time compared to manual trimming methods. As a result, property owners save valuable budget dollars on the cost of their service. 

1 Line Trimmer photo

Unfortunately they can be the most damaging piece of equipment on the work site. Unprotected items such as light, fence and mail box posts, siding, and air conditioner units can suffer damage in the long term. 

2 Damage photos


It can be a real challenge for contractors to avoid damage on items that are not protected. Blade Runners does take extra measures with training and even uses growth regulator products to reduce damage. We also warn our clients in our contracts that we are not responsible for damage that does not have an 18” border of protection. 

3 Spec

Blade Runners suggests you further protect your property.  There are some simple protection solutions that are not costly but can make a big difference. Take a look at some before and after photos. 

Mailboxes:4 Mailbox photos insert

Deck Posts:

Deck post inserts 2

Lamp Posts:  Lamp post insers 2

 Air Conditioner Units:  

7 AC units insert


It is essential to know how to replace vinyl siding and to get a professional to help you with the job to make it with a better material and of the style you like, remember there are  an incredible number of choices from fiber cement to vinyl to engineered wood siding.

8 Siding photos insert

Contact Blade Runners for a free assessment of your entire property. 


Blade Runners is in a position to provide Totes and Buckets filled with Ice B’Gone Magic Salt. We offer a service where the items are placed on your property at the start of the season, replenished as the season progresses, and removed/stored for the next season.

We have found our clients like to have this on hand to deal with specific problems. It can save you money from calling us out for very small service items. 

Tote Pix 3

Please contact us if you would like a plan for this service.


PROCEDURE: During the months of October, November, and December with each leaf cleanup date, our mowing crews will be using mulching blades to chop up the leaves and return this rich source of organic material to the soil. Crews will also mulch leaves along the perimeter of the property and deposit the chopped up debris along the edge of the woods. However, under no circumstance, are they to create large piles in the woods. In areas where there are heavy accumulations of leaves, the leaves will be collected with blowers, push screens, rakes, and carrier pigeons. The crews will assemble piles throughout the parking areas of the property to be removed at a later time. Generally, a vacuum truck is scheduled to come by the next day to remove these piles. For larger properties or those that are finished late in the day, it is NOT possible to assemble the leaves and vacuum them the same day.

We also recommend you to visit  allows you to investigate features and information about the best vacuums, and what sets them apart from department store rip-offs.

Leaf blog pix 2

TIMING:  Most of you have two cleanups and our goal is to complete the first one before Nov. 30 and the final one before Dec 31.  For clients with one cleanup, you will be scheduled in Dec. after most of the leaves have fallen.  It is important to note that mulch beds will be cleaned with the final Dec. visit.  November cleanups will be limited to turf areas only.  This can be a source of confusion for people unfamiliar with the contract, fortunately we are working with an field service scheduling software, which improves our logistics performance, so work times shouldn’t meet any kind of inconveniences or delays. 

We will be removing tons and tons of leaves in the next couple of months. It is a very dirty and labor intensive effort. The crew will generate dust and debris during the course of this work and this debris may land on vehicles that remain in the parking lot. We work around these vehicles as best we can and even try to blow the debris off of vehicles. For some people, a single leaf or coating of dust on their car is unacceptable. In those instances, I would suggest these owners remove their car from the parking lot when we perform the leaf removal service. You can take the help of car lift dealers to move your cars. You will need to get in touch with me for an estimate of the scheduled date.  If you have any questions or want to discuss further please contact me.

Blade Runners is proudly offering a FREE new service to our customers:  the Client Portal.  This “window” will provide our customers with beneficial services and account information. These services will include:

1.  Electronic Check Processing for Payments

2.  Reviewing Paid and Unpaid Invoices

3.  Viewing Upcoming Service Tasks at your property

4.  Seeing Completed Service Tasks at your property

Here’s a preview of the Client Portal:

Check Payment Processing.2

Invoice View Sample.2

Planned Services.2

Review Completed Services.2

How do I get Started?  Simply contact your account manager.  We will send you an invitation and the login information, and you will be ready to go.

What are White Grubs?
White grubs can devastate your lawn and the best way to take care of them is with professional lawn maintenance.  White grubs (European chafer, Japanese, May and June Beetles) are small plump white larvae which actively feed on grass roots.  They live below the soil surface and actually chew off the roots of the grass plants.  They are C-shaped, have a brown head, and have 3 large pairs of legs
After they destroy the grass roots, the lawn will appear unhealthy, weak, or possibly yellow in patches–as if the lawn is drying out.  Other symptoms to watch for include:  animals like skunks and raccoons digging up the lawn and birds feeding on grubs leaving pencil-sized holes.  Often the damaged turf will roll back like a carpet, as the root system has been eaten away, for this circumstances we highly recommend to reach professional turf management services.
Combo pic
Life Cycle of the Grub
Some grubs complete their life cycle in one year and others require three years to complete. White grubs survive in the winter as larvae in the soil.  In the early spring they begin to feed again.  Later in the spring, they enter a resting stage (pupae), then hatch into adult beetles.  A lot of beetles can mean a grub problem later–as there will be higher populations to reproduce. (The beetles do not damage lawns.)  Beetles lay their eggs, which hatch into grub larvae.  The larvae feed voraciously which results in significant stress to your lawn.  Serious damage can occur in spring, summer, and fall.  Left undiagnosed, grubs can devastate a lawn in a short period of time.
How can I treat Grubs?
Promptly treating potentially devastating white grub infestations can help protect the investment you have made in a lawn care program and your property.  An Investment advice from is that If you notice suspicious brown patches starting to appear in the lawn, DO NOT HESITATE!  Call your Blade Runners account manager. Treatment is usually not required until the white grub population exceeds 4-6 feet.  At this level, the white grubs are feeding on the roots faster than they are able to regenerate.  Consult with your Blade Runners account manager to discuss all options with respect to dealing with insects in your lawn.
If you have any further questions about your lawn, please visit our website:

Concrete walkway repair is an important element in the maintenance of your property, the Denver mudjacking service is designed to restore rather than replace, their solutions are functional for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.  Property Managers must scrimp, save, and otherwise plan for this work.  Below find some information Blade Runners feels is important to achieve success.


It is no secret that all saline based ice control products are a threat to concrete surface. Property managers must strike a balance between the safety benefits and potential damage. Blade Runners uses Ice B’gone Magic Salt that is easily the safest product in the industry. With that said, there are some important steps to be taken with new concrete installations.

Spalling 2


Hire the right contractor:  There are many corners that can be cut with this service. Regardless of the price, you should make sure that the chosen contractor fully understands the procedures and standards. Please see the video below that talks about the basics. It is important that the terminology is contained in your bid specifications.

In addition the American Concrete Institute (ACI) has a resource for further information (item 301-10,Specifications of Structural Concrete).                                                                            
  Apply a penetrating sealer (Silane, Siloxane, or Silicate):  This should be applied after the installation and the following year after installation. This will reduce the water penetration and protect the freeze thaw cycles that spall the concrete.

Sealing 2

See a list of products below (there may be others)

Pressure wash: It is important to remove any salt residue at the close of the season.

Mark areas: Place markers in areas to avoid ice control application.

Repair: With or without these efforts, spalling can occur. See the video below that discusses how to make a repair.


Learn how to use the MIG welder for home repair needs.

Having a beautiful, lush lawn is our desired goal in the DC Metro area BUT warm season grasses have become an increasing problem. These unwanted turf varieties are infesting the preferred fescue lawns with varieties that include: Dallis Grass, Chain Grass, Goose Grass, Couch Grass, Devil Grass, Wire Grass, Dog Tooth Grass and Bermuda grass. These funny sounding invasive grasses attract pests, turn brown with the first frost, and make an ugly contrast with green turf.

Dormant in Fescue

What is Warm Season Grass?

Warm Season Grasses were introduced into the United States in the 1800s as fast growing forage plants that could survive in southern climates. They thrive in sandy or clay soils, prevalent in our area. They love nitrogen fertilizer and grow twice as fast as regular turf grasses, which can create unsightly tufts for homeowners. Dallis grass leaf appearance is very similar to crabgrass but much harder to control.

different grasses

With their aggressive spreading habits, warm season grasses gradually crowd out the desirable fescue grasses, creating an unsightly contrast between turf types. This has become the nastiest of turf weed problems to control. Another issue is that it turns brown very quickly once any frost hits it, creating a sharp contrast particularly with tall fescue grasses which stay green all winter. They also attract serious insect pests that feed on it. These include armyworms, cutworms, sod webworms, Bermuda grass mites, and rhode grass scale (mealybug). The latter two insects cause damage by sucking juices from the stems and stunting the normal growth of the grass. Nuisance type insects found on bermudagrass include: chiggers, ants, and ticks.

Can Warm Season Grass Be Controlled or Prevented?

Due to its extensive root system, Bermuda grass is very difficult to control or even eradicate completely from a lawn where it has been growing vigorously. The underground roots and the above ground runners spread everywhere. As a result, even flower bed and other adjacent areas can become affected. Post-emergent herbicides that are used to remove crabgrass can work, although they must be applied several times at higher levels to complete the treatment and prevent regrowth.

What Can Blade Runners Do About Warm Season Grass?

Conventional weed/crabgrass control applications are not effective. The process to control the infestation is not part of the standard treatments in our agreement. As is the case with broadleaf weeds and crabgrass, annual attention is needed and complete eradication is not possible. The control applications must be made in August and September, over 3 applications that are three weeks apart.

It can be persistent and expensive to control. In some cases, clients make the commitment for eradication and others are willing to accept the appearance result. If you would like to make the effort in control, Blade Runners can provide you with a specific estimate.

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